In today's industry, there is an increasing tendency to follow the consumerist trend of the general public ... To discard, redeem, discard, redeem.
Certainly not everything is repaired to the chagrin of ecology and sustainable development. But many industrial electronics could benefit from a second life.
Thus PLSWISS offers an alternative solution and proximity to industrial with its maintenance activity.
Repair, first of all it's about grasping what this implies at the level of the service. The minimum benefit will be to deal with the outage only. But PLSWISS offers services that go far beyond this simple service to offer an offer that meets the expectations and standards of the industry.

Indeed a complete service may include all the following services :

Diagnosis of the breakdown

This basic step helps to target and isolate the problem on the equipment

Breakdown treatment

This step will help resolve the defect to bring to a complete hardware functionality

Preventive actions

This step is relatively important because it allows to sustain the equipment over time. The objective of this phase is not to change all the components on the equipment with the risk of damaging or weakening it but to apply a preventive on all perishable components in time or having a number of cycles of high functioning


This step actually brings a more sales-like visual aspect, but above all, it allows the removal of grease and dust from the equipment which, by force, could accelerate its aging.


This step is essential to verify and validate the proper functioning of the equipment. It can be modeled in different forms: the static test and the dynamic test. Everything is dependent on the elements owned by our society. The dynamic test will put in practically the same conditions of use as the end user. All functions of the equipment can be requested and tested. The static test will, unless it has the peripheral elements, necessary to validate the equipment part by part. Often this type of test requires a final test in condition at the end user.


This step should not be overlooked because the packaging is important in many cases since the end user may possibly after repair, restock the material and this must be done in optimal conditions to extend the life of the product. equipment.


This guarantee is a guarantee of quality, an assurance of product reliability. At PLSWISS, by default we apply a 12-month warranty on our repairs.


Traceability is an important element, both internally and externally, since it makes it possible to build a database that will allow a more detailed analysis of repairs according to types of breakdown. It will save a history so that in the short, medium or long term, we have a complete vision of all the elements changed, tested on each of the equipment.

Intervention report

This document is also a guarantee of quality and transparency with respect to the industry, but it also allows customers to record useful information and better understand the origin of certain failures.


Indeed, the repair is a service whose responsiveness is limited.
She is very often, when production stops, shunned for the purchase of a new piece. However, once this new part acquired and your machine repaired, you no longer end up in an emergency situation and very often the broken down equipment is put in the garbage.
However, leaning for a repair of it allows to create a low cost strategic security stock for even more responsiveness during a future failure.

Think about it, it's a first step towards obsolescence management !

Diagram of refurbishing equipment

  • Used or broken equipment

  • Diagnostic

  • Breakdown treatment

  • Complete preventive action

  • Cleaning

  • Test

  • Repackaging

  • Refurbished equipment guaranteed 12 months
